Bird / Vanellus vanellus

Northern Lapwing


Likely to become endangered in the near future


The northern lapwing, also known as the peewit or pewit, tuit or tew-it, green plover, or pyewipe or just lapwing, is a bird in the lapwing family. It is common through temperate Eurosiberia.

Range elevation
200 to 1000 m
Average elevation
400 m
Range mass
128 to 330 g
Range length
28 to 31 cm
Range wingspan
82 to 87 m
Breeding season
Breeding occurs from April to July.
Average eggs per season
Range time to hatching
22 to 28 days
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
1 years
Average lifespan
Status: wild
3.5 years

Beaman, M. 2014. "Vanellus vanellus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November 10, 2020 at

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